International Associations

ALAI (Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale)

ALAI, founded by Victor Hugo in 1878, is the long-standing international association in the field of copyright. In 1883, ALAI proposed an international treaty for the protection of copyright, which led to the Berne convention in 1886.  

The members of ALAI are organized in national ALAI groups. Finland’s ALAI group operates within the Finnish Copyright Society. The members of the Society are welcome to join the group if they wish. In 2017, ALAI has national groups in 33 countries.

The main activity of ALAI is organization of congresses and symposiums (journées d‘étude). The members of the Finnish ALAI group have actively participated in the events. ALAI is also an observer at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Nordic symposiums

In addition to the annual meetings, the Finnish Copyright Society organizes seminars and symposiums. The first Nordic Copyright Symposium was organized in cooperation with Nordic sister societies in 1975 at the initiative of the Society. Symposiums are held every 2-3 years in different Nordic countries.

The past symposiums in chronological order:

2022 Kristiansand, Norway

2017 Helsinki, Finland

2015 Reykjavik, Iceland

2012 Helsingør, Denmark

2009 Ålesund, Norway

2005 Tukholma, Sweden

2003 Helsinki, Finland

2001 Akureyri, Iceland

1997 Trondheim, Norway

1995 Bornholm, Denmark

1992 Visby, Sweden

1990 Helsinki, Finland

1987 Hveragerði, Iceland

1984 Oslo, Norway

1981 Kööpenhamina, Denmark

1978 Tukholma, Sweden

1975 Helsinki, Finland