“Digi­tal Know­led­ge – The Libra­ry and Copy­right in a Global Digi­tal Economy” -konferenssi

“Digital Knowledge – The Library and Copyright in a Global Digital Economy” Conference 

12-13 September 2024

Today, the words that exist in books can be more than simply read: they can be sliced, diced, and mined in ways never before imagined in order to extract limitless amounts of new knowledge through the application of advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI,) Machine Learning (ML) and Text and Data Mining (TDM). 

The challenge, from the perspective of libraries and society alike, is that digitization is subject to numerous layers of rules, including those initially drafted for an analogue environment. In this respect, a fundamental question is how libraries can make themselves relevant in the digital economy through the use of AI, ML and TDM while at the same time complying with applicable legislation. 

Departing from the challenge/question of the library in the digital environment, the conference will engage in the following non-exhaustive list of timely issues: the role of copyrighted materials in AI training, ML and TDM; the economics of regulating AI; the changes brought about by recent legislative developments, including the DSM Directive; the Metaverse.

Organizers: the National Library of Sweden in collaboration with the national IPO Swedish Intellectual Property Office (“PRV”) and the Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law at the Law Faculty at Stockholm University. 

Ilmoittaudu tapahtumaan


11 September 

  • Pre-Conference Evening Welcome Reception (for registered participants)

DAY 1. 

12 September

Welcome & Intro

Keynote Speech 

  • Shira Perlmutter, Register of Copyrights and Director, U.S. Copyright Office

Session A - Helicopter Perspective (90 min)

  • Moderator Prof. Daniel Gervais, Law School Vanderbilt University
  • Dr. Love Börjeson, Head of KB Lab, Kungl. biblioteket
  • Jerker Rydén, Senior Legal Adviser, Kungl. biblioteket
  • Prof. Noam Shemtov, Queen Mary University of London

Session B - Normative Approaches to Regulating AI and Copyright (90 min)

Moderator Jukka Liedes, Chair Finnish Copyright Society

  • Prof. Tatsuhiro Ueno, Waseda University
  • Prof. Jane Ginsburg, faculty director of Columbia’s Kernochan Center for Law, Media, and the Arts, Columbia University 
  • Anne le Morvan, Head of Copyright Unit, Ministry of Culture, France 
  • Emmanuelle du Chalard, Acting Head of Copyright Unit, DG CONNECT 
  • TBC

Session C – Training of AI (90 min)

Moderator Prof. Emeritus Jan Rosén, Stockholm Centre of Commercial Law, Stockholm University 

  • James Bennett, Head of Rightsholder Relations and Content Acquisition, Copyright Licensing Agency 
  • Tobias Kempas, Attorney at Law, Vinge Law Firm
  • Catharine Zaller Rowland, Vice President and General Counsel, Copyright Clearance Center
  • Anita Huss Ekerhult, CEO and Secretary General of The International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations 
  • TBC

Session D – Output of AI (90 min)

Moderator Prof. Eleonora Rosati, Law Faculty, Stockholm University

  • Prof. Tito Rendas, Executive Dean at Católica Global School of Law, University of Lisbon
  • Molly Stech, General Counsel, the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers
  • Prof. Alessandro Cogo, Department of Law of the University of Turin
  • Matt Hervey, Partner Head of Artificial Intelligence Law, Gowling WLG (UK) LLP
  • TBC

Evening Reception at Stockholm City Hall 



DAY 2. 

13 September

Welcome and re-cap


Session E - Cross-Border Access to Source Material for Research (90 min)

Moderator Karol Koscinski, Attorney at Law, Karol Koscinski Legal Office

Session has a link to EUDOPEN.

  • Anita Huss Ekerhult, CEO and Secretary General of The International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations 
  • Prof. Stef van Gompel, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Kirsi Salmela, General Counsel, Kopiosto
  • Dr. Aniko Grad-Gyenge, Vice dean for science and innovation affairs at Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • TBC

Session F - Flexible Norms Facilitating AI in Research in Digital Economy (90 min)

Moderator Prof. Alison Firth, Newcastle Law School, Newcastle University

  • Carlo Lavizzari, Attorney
  • Jerker Rydén, Senior Legal Advisor, Kungl. biblioteket
  • Jukka Liedes, Chair Finnish Copyright Society
  • Dr. Rudolf Leška, Štaidl Leška Advokáti 
  • TBC

Session G - Looking into the Future (90 min)

Moderator Carlo Lavizzari, Attorney

  • Simone Procas, Vice President and General Counsel, New York Times Corporation 
  • Bill Thompson, Head of Future Value Research & Principal Research Engineer, BBC R&D at BBC
  • Prof. Alison Firth, Newcastle University
  • Jukka Liedes, Chair Finnish Copyright Society
  • Cecile Christensen, Deputy Director Digital Transformation, Royal Danish Library
  • Dr. Gunnar Petri
  • TBC